Make your voice heard in china

Xinhua Bizwire
one-stop information release and distribution service

Who We Are

Xinhua Bizwire is a wire service launched in 2020 by China Economic Information Service (CEIS), a specialized economic information service provider directly under China's Xinhua News Agency.

By integrating the distribution resources of Xinhua News Agency and major media resources in China, it provides one-stop corporate press release and distribution service, including information collection and processing, editing and publishing, performance and audience engagement analyzing.

The aim of Xinhua Bizwire is to boost information connectivity, brand building and international influence for companies at home and abroad.

Pool of 1,200+Media Channels
Including 100+ mainstream media in China, such as People's Daiy, China Daily,
One-step Sevice
From content production, distribution, to analysis, all at Xinhua Bizwire
Top-Notch Content Production Team
Know your content, know Chinese audience
What We Offer

One-stop press release service to improve communication and visibility in China

Content Production
Our professional editing team will translate your content from multiple languages into Chinese. If it's needed, we can also help you find the right words and tone to convey your message by editing and rewriting. The flexible options aim to ensure that your information, whether it is related to product launch, themed campaign, merger and acquisition, project development and so on, can be well delivered and suitable for all major media formats.

We can highlight your story with multimedia content by blending text with pictures, infographics, video and audio clips. Rich visual content will help you build deeper connection with targeted audience and increase exposure.
Nationwide Communication
With our pool of 1,200+ media channels, we make your story reach the most extensive audience in China.

Our media network includes renowned mainstream media as well as trusted local media, such as China Daily,, CRIOnline,, and More than 10 mainstream media outlets, including Xinhua channels are guaranteed in the distribution process. The trusted media coverage, be it on print media, online portals, standalone apps, or social networks, will enhance your brand visibility and increase authority.
Performance Evaluation
As distribution cycle ends, a feedback report will be provided to help evaluate the performance of release.

The feedback report, usually in portable document format (PDF), will present an analytical overview, clippings of major media channels and news posting list, helping you get actionable insights into moving further to get public attention.